Deviled eggs are delicious, easy-to-make party treats. My beautiful wife, the infamous Baobei Funky-Feng, made some wonderful deviled eggs to take along to the Chinese-Israeli picnic this weekend in Tel Aviv. They were a huge success, causing one Chinese young man to scream, "HaoChi! (Tastes Good!)" with glee.
Here's the video of how to make deviled eggs:
To make deviled eggs, you first hard-boil the eggs, then cut them lengthwise (we used 12 eggs). You scoop out the yoke, putting them in a bowl. To this you can add some seasonings such as 1 Tbsp of mustard, chopped celery or some sweet pickle relish. You mix this yoke-mixture together, and re-add it to the eggs. Since we had to travel some distance before arriving at the party, Baobei put the mixture into a bag, so that we could add the yoke/seasoning mixture when we arrived. She cut-off the bag's corner, squeezing its contents into the egg-white halves. The final touch is to sprinkle with paprika or add some sliced olives, chopped chives, or whatever you like to make it very colorful/ deviled.
Let us know how your party success goes!
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Here's the halved eggs:
Here's the bag of egg-yolk:
Getting them ready:
Post squeezed out:
Placing them on the table:
Well, I hope you enjoy! Sign up for my mailing list or follow me on Facebook to keep up with my food blogging! Thanks, Sauce